beauty of diet

HTML clipboardThrough food can enlarge skin tone, be strong and healthy nails and hair mild and shiny. Naturally it is realizable to obtain good results in the non-attendance of sickness from enthusiastic parties.

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Fresh, simple to follow and tasty
Through food can improve skin tone, be mighty and healthy nails and hair mild and shiny. Naturally it is feasible to attain fine results in the absence of illness from avid parties, remember that food actually has a preventative role and improvement, not curative.Let's nail, hair and skin which are foods that put up to tally up general conditions.


Nails are composed mainly of a substance called keratin, which gives these, compactness and hardness. Because of a diet wealthy in fat and lacking in fruit and vegetables, or in the presence of hormonal problems, allergies and fungal infections, such protein could not be produced sufficiently or be changed. To save our nails mighty and healthy we eat foods containing substances valuable to fine health of keratin:

Silicon: it favors the robustness of the nails and is contained in cereals.

Sulfur: found in garlic and onion. Increases, such as silicon, the strength of nails.

Proteins: the proteins can be regarded as thus many bricks you put them side by side, form the structure of the human body.

They further to build, preserve and renew every tissues of the body (plastic function) in force in various biological reactions (catalytic function) and manage to pay for backup gift (energy function) but lonely if consumed in excess or deficiency of lipid or carbohydrate ( example, in starvation). Some proteins have transport functions such as hemoglobin that transports oxygen to tissues, give 4 kcal per gram. Proteins are made taking place of smaller units called amino acids. The body is not adept of producing 8 of the 20 naturally taking place amino acids are termed valuable and must be entered following meals (valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine). Food containers high biological value protein, after that dishes such macaroni and beans, rice and lentils are competent of providing high biological value protein.

Molybdenum: Molybdenum is a smack mineral found in approaching all tissues, nature and animals, but in no question limited quantities in the field.

  • Molybdenum has an important role in copper metabolism and nitrogen.
  • Participate in the fixed idea stage of production of urine and plus promotes normal cell function.
  • Among the foods that contain it are meat, legumes, cereals and some dark green leafy vegetables.
  • It is critical for the formation of keratin.

Zinc is an vital mineral found in our body portion more or less the thesame amount of iron. It is gift in the brain, pancreas and liver, but is moreover gift in the nucleus of every cell. Zinc is dynamic in the activation of many enzymes in the beta chain of hemoglobin, the fee of the gonads, in nerve play and memory. Your metabolism is altered in conditions of monster or psychological stress. The zinc is contained in meat, nuts, egg yolk, the mushrooms, in cocoa and oysters. Oats are as a consequence a source of zinc, but are rich in phytate, mineral absorption is decreased.

beauty of diet
beauty of diet
beauty of diet

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