Here are some great tips, tricks, trimmings and shortcuts fortwo well-liked email programs; Qualcomm's Eudora and MicrosoftOutlook / position Express.
Microsoft direction and aim freshen Tips and Tricks:
o Did you know that you can view ongoing email conversationsby quickly shifting the view in approach and viewpoint Express?Select a message in your in-box, click on "View", tapering off yourcursor to "Current View" and then click "Group Messages byConversation". You'll see every messages subsequent to that particularperson and they'll be organized in a nice, neat thread!
o anxious more or less a virus? First off, NEVER get into an attachmentbefore virus checking it. plus deem using "ChiltonPreview" rather than Outlook's built-in preview pane.
Microsoft Outlook's AutoPreview lets you look just the firstthree lines of messages. It after that leaves you susceptible tomalicious code in html messages. "Chilton Preview" is a tinyadd-on that puts a total third pane on your position window,to allow you scroll through entire messages without openingthem. It reads the plain text equivalent of HTML messages soit does not depart you vulnerable to malicious code in HTMLmail.
o You can have turn and face melody quickly amass anyemail addresses to your residence Book. Just read any incomingmessage later right-click on the name you desire to add. Thenclick on "Add to dwelling Book".
Outlook and perspective sky keyboard Shortcuts:
o Press F3 to function an militant find.o Ctrl-Q will mark a revelation as read.o Ctrl-K matches the text typed into the TO pitch withan existing contact.
Outlook trappings you may want to try...
o ListsNet Tuner: AutoReply: Email Talks:
Eudora Tips and Tricks
Qualcomm's Eudora 4.3 is now available. If you are a4.x user, you can get the update for pardon at:
o Did you know that you can schedule outgoing messages forlater delivery. To use this feature just keep the length of the Shiftkey as you click "send" or "queue" upon your outgoing message.A bin will pop happening asking you with you desire to send themessage. This is a great feature for sending reminders tofriends, associates and even yourself! I use it all the time, asa issue of fact I just sent a scheduled notice that willarrive a few days previously my bordering anniversary. (Fellas; maybeyou should attain the same!)
o dependence to move Eudora from one computer to unconventional and saveall your outmoded mailboxes AND messages? Just keep the .toc and.mbx files and copy them to the thesame calendar in your newcomputer. adjacent become old you reopen Eudora, bingo, every your oldmessages are there!
o If you ever have the obsession to get your email from a remotelocation but won't have entrance to a computer later than Eudora,just grab a clear web email account from Eudora since you go. You'll be dexterous to send andreceive email right through the browser of any computerwith Internet access.
Eudora keyboard Shortcuts:
o Ctrl-A selects the entire text of a message.o F7 toggles the preview pane on and off.o Shift-space bar toggles a revelation between the right to use andunread status.
A few Eudora superfluities you may want to try...
o PureVoice Player-Recorder: EasyTranslator Express: simple at Beginners interactive guide to using Eudora Light:
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