Birth govern behavior That Don't Work

Inthe modern era, there are a number of so-called tricks that awoman or a couple can reach to prevent pregnancy. However, a decentunderstanding of how the menstrual cycle and conception works willhelp a person understand and distinguish the myths from the realeffective birth run strategies.

Womenhave been maddening to prevent themselves from having kids forcenturies, taking into consideration most societies tolerating or obliging suchpractices. The fact is, ancient methods of birthcontrolhave been in use even during periods that were thought to becontrolled by conservatism, religious extremism, and plain ignoranceabout scientific principles of human reproduction. Some of theseactually proceed even though others simply don't. Surprisingly, in this dayand age, many people yet think these standard birth controlmethods are effective. There are plus those who select to look thesefolk methods as myths until science backs stirring the claims more or less thesupposed effectiveness of these methods. This sort of non-belief is apositive thing, past birth control that doesn't act out is essentiallyuseless. However, there are grow old behind that same atheism doesn'tseem to quite apply to more modern birthcontrolmyths. even though some of them might have a degree of scientific data toback them up, quite a number of birthcontrolurban legends are just that: legends.

One ofthe most prominent among these stories involves carbonated drinks.Usually, the stories list things like Coca-Cola or Sprite, thoughmost any carbonated soda drink will do. As a pseudo-testament to theprevailing popularity of this story, it was referenced in the AnneRice erotic novel Belinda and actually put through a scientifictest upon the Discovery Channel comport yourself Mythbusters. The storiesgenerally tell that the use of these drinks as a contraceptiveinvolves shaking the cans and spraying it into the vaginal cavity,where the acidic content will conceptually execute sperm cells. Sadly,as scientific testing has proved, this method doesn't exactly work.

In asimilar vein to the above, substitute idea that people have had greater than theyears is that rinsing out the sperm can work. This is a fairlyflexible myth, taking upon a variety of forms in stand-in areas. Insome cases, there are as many ways to rinse out the sperm as thereare people telling the story. These swell taking a shower or bathimmediately after, using a liquid to rinse out the sperm from thevagina (some variations of the carbonated beverage myth impinge on this),and having the girl urinate. though some experts tell that showeringor bathing after sex could have a psychological effect, preventingconception using this tactic is nothing more than a myth.

Otherpeople agree to that it is impossible for a girl to acquire pregnant ifshe does not experience orgasm. If the media is to be believed, thatwould point toward that most women in the US can never acquire pregnant. The factis, experiencing an orgasm or any sexual stimulation at all,really is compeltely and agreed unnecessary to achievepregnancy. This myth is often joined to the one that states thatcertain positions during sex prevent pregnancy. Both are ridiculouswhen it comes the length of to it, while the latter has some more outrageousclaims. A particularly outrageous one claims that having intercoursestanding up, in a closet, during a full moon is the best possiblebirthcontrol.Sadly, according to statistics, there are some people out there thatbelieve this.

Thewithdrawal method, which involves having the man pull outbefore achieving orgasm, can next be categorized as a myth. Therelease of sperm does not always accompany the male orgasm, when somemen creature nimble to forgiveness semen into the girl repeatedly withoutachieving orgasm. Even if the male orgasm is accompanied by therelease of sperm, there are extra factors that make this tactichighly dubious in the best of circumstances. For one thing, mostmales freedom a small amount of vague prior to orgasm that containssome sperm. Also, even if the shapeless is released outdoor the body, ifthe sperm rule to make it into the vagina, then there is nevertheless achance of pregnancy. pronounce that these cells are certainly microscopicand the formless may be difficult to differentiate from vaginalsecretions during sex. make a microscopic mistake --- and you've gotyourself a situation.

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