Google Fooled by its Own System!

In achievement some research, I have found a competitor who using some actions to acquire a number one ranking by the habit they are a achieving "Google recognised" connections to there site.

In produce a result some checking on my competition, I have found a competitor who using some linking tricks to acquire a number one ranking. They are achieving "Google found" connections to their site.

There is no debate that it works - the results are in the ranking. It's whether is moral, ethical or if the process will stand the test of time.

I will accomplish you what the site has ended and rather than dwindling out the site. I will lid the process they have used to rank high upon many keywords. (over 900 focused terms)

1. The developed a list of core keywords - these are in demand competitive "money" keywords which many advertisers are spending large amounts of maintenance to purchase upon Adwords. These are purchase product words taking into account "hair dryer".

2. Placed blog comment links - The blogs they have used are a specific type, diverse subjects following no set theme or idea. Which by the way,takes away the myth that you need links from sites in the same market eg: if you are selling dog items - you need associates from further "dog sites" - never was legal but at least this is proof.

3. Research - Most reputable blogs have a comment system allow others to make a comment, or confirmation not quite the counsel (see more info below) This allows users to interact and at the similar time, create regular updated information, bringing the Google search spider back up to your site, hence it's a win-win.

In most Blogs bearing in mind someone posts a comment it needs to be qualified since showing and a "No follow" tag is placed upon the comment.

This means that Google will follow it to find pages, however it will not enlarge it as link to your site. It will not pass any type of reputation on that will put up to your rank. Most blogs have this set to guard themselves.

The blogs there are using complete not have these settings turned on and see taking into consideration they are pass blogs that have been abandoned. Some of the blogs have a lot of incoming contacts in place and correspondingly have a fine page rank in some cases. plus there are others blogs which don't have page rank but appear in Google as backlinks to the site

To check what friends Google sees on any site use this in the Google search box:


I am guessing the company that ended this may be Chinese as a lot of the blogs that connect to the site are in Chinese and dependence to be translated.

Here's the main lessening of this article- it does in fact comport yourself and maybe your competition is conduct yourself it realize it is called comment spamming.

Due to Google maxim more than the years, that you cannot be punished for others who partner to you ( That pretentiousness your competition can't partner to your site get you harm) The deserted showing off that the results can be changed is to create more air associates to your site.

You can get into Google (like I did BTW at abuse[AT] ) however its unlikely to modify things. They may pronounce to manually hand abbreviate the SERPS (search engine results pages) by removing the site, but this is unlikely.

So where does this go? Is it the liability of the owner of the blog? Or is the moral sports ground creature used by the person posting the link? Thoughts? I would adore to get your feedback

Article Tags: Blogs Have

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