Beauty knowledge just about biotin removing wrinkles

The beauty effect of biotin had been concerned lonely recently. In 1986, even if Canadian doctor treating blepharospasm past biotin, he accidentally discovered its fine effect on removing wrinkles, followed by, biotin is widely used incosmetic raw materialindustry.

The nameless that biotin can separate wrinkles liesin its realization to block the transfer of information with nerve and muscle, makethe muscles lose nerves control, weakened tension, the muscles tend to relax,of course will with have the effect of stretch wrinkles, not unaccompanied can preventwrinkles continue to produce, furthermore let the existing wrinkles have the greatestdegree of improvement. Biotin is mainly used to eliminate functioning good lines, whilecollagen and others are mainly recommended for the treatment of staticwrinkles. Your slant at the site of injection may appear the phenomenon ofbruising or redness, but if you use some concealer initiation and othercosmetics, can basically without a trace. The injection itself cause injury tothe skin from the needle, after use the anesthetic agent, the situation can beimproved. However after injected may be the "numb" feeling willcontinue until a few months later.

Injection times is probably lonesome obsession 10 to20 minutes, but you habit a era of 3 to 10 days to reach the desired effect.The dermatologist recommended that injecting after half an hour, attain not attemptto understanding the muscles of the injection site, it is prohibiting to daub theinjection site muscles within 24 hours.

Under usual circumstances, a therapeuticeffect can be sustained for 3 months to 6 months time. Some studies have foundthat the injection ration is in point of fact no wrinkles, but in order to flavor thenecessary expression, other parts of the muscles intensify the contraction tocompensate for these "lose control" muscle, thereby fabricate morewrinkles in these augmentation contractions parts. If the effective doctor is anexperienced doctor, good condition of your skin is adept to maintain a fewyears, but during this period, you might be difficult to tone your emotions,because the muscle is no longer dominated by the nerve.

In the precise operating, after inject typeA biotin, the local adverse reactions is mainly including the masseterexcessive disorder and accomplish due to biotin corresponding to adjacentmuscle tissue diffusion, and every of these clinical manifestations are relatedto the injection site and injection dose of biotin. Individual patients afterinjected biotin will appear fever, malaise, fatigue. Generally these clinicalmanifestations are one-off and disappear on their own within a few weeks.Biotin injection effect is generally can preserve about six months, and then itmay relapse, but can be re-injection. If the injection dose is too large, thenyour point of view will see once be "frozen", or does not see correspondingly flat. Inaddition, if the injection site is relatively close to the upper eyelid, thenyou eyebrows may subside in the position, but this is temporary.

Biotinsupplier remained that biotin is not a panaceadrug, in fact, it is a toxin. Common side effects of biotin have headache, allergies,diplopia, unnatural freshening and other adverse reactions. This is forlorn forhealthy people, there are five categories of people can not use biotin cosmetic:pregnant women, lactating women; myasthenia gravis patients; complex sclerosispatients; ptosis patients; the body is extremely thin people, and have the heart,liver, kidney and other internal organs deseases; allergic constitution.


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