Cyber E Newsletter- Shopping Tips (4)

----------------------------Shopping Tips:1. If you are higher than 50 you can save hundreds of dollars off of car insurance and hotel stays by joining AARP (American association of Retired Persons). Also, a...


Shopping Tips:
1. If you are more than 50 you can save hundreds of dollars off of car insurance and hotel stays by joining AARP (American link of Retired Persons). Also, adding up your children to your car insurance policy can as well as save you hundreds per year too.

2. If you are an average VCR user, someone who uses their VCR to watch prerecorded tapes from a video store, use a two head VCR. A two head VCR costs up to 50 percent less than four head models. The four-head models mostly feat special features subsequent to super slow goings-on that most people reach not use.

3. One habit to save big grant gone shopping for carpet is buy it directly from the carpet mill. You can save happening to 65 percent off retail by buying directly from manufacturer. To locate shop-at-home carpet mills that concurrence with the public look through advertisements in the back up of home move forward magazines. The drawback to put it on this is you have to pay freight costs; however there is nevertheless a substantial cost savings.

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